After you receive a written estimate from Verrazano Flooring Co. and are ready to start the work, please call the office to set up the job schedule, (718) 369-9663.
As a courtesy, we give an approximate schedule for the job so that you can have a basic idea of how long it may take from beginning to end. We ask that you have a flexible schedule throughout the project because the work required to finish your floors properly each day can take from one hour to a full day. You must provide access to the jobsite each day we are scheduled to work so that there is no disruption in service and your job is completed in the time expected.
Important: It is in the best interest of all parties involved with your project to stay on schedule, however, some factors and circumstances beyond our control can change the schedule of your project. We cannot be held responsible for work time lost, hotel stays, babysitting expenses, etc., while work is being done.
Work hours
Pricing for labor is based on a normal “eight hour” work day. Most condos and co-ops have restrictions on the hours that work can be done in the building. If your building work hour restrictions cause the job to take longer than expected, additional charges will apply.